Investing in Home Maintenance Insurance

Investing in Home Maintenance Insurance

With extreme weather on the rise, Australians must invest in home maintenance and insurance to safeguard against potential damage.

As wild weather patterns become more frequent and unpredictable, Australian homeowners are being urged to take steps to better protect their homes. From destructive hailstorms to flash floods, extreme weather events pose a serious threat to homes across the country. Yet, a recent NRMA survey has revealed a concerning trend – many Australians are underprepared for such events, and are failing to invest in the necessary home maintenance and insurance coverage.

This blog will explore the growing importance of preparing your home for unusual weather patterns in Australia, including the financial benefits of home maintenance insurance and why ignoring this issue can lead to significant and costly damage.

The Growing Threat of Extreme Weather

Australia is no stranger to unpredictable weather, and in recent years, climate change has exacerbated the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. From devastating hailstorms that can strip a house of its exterior in minutes to torrential rain causing severe water damage, Australian homeowners are increasingly at risk of significant damage to their properties.

Severe storms and flash flooding have affected vast regions across Australia, leaving many households with unexpected repair bills.

Hailstorms, in particular, have become more frequent, causing considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles. One only needs to remember the 1999 and 2018 hailstorms in Sydney, and the March 2010 hailstorm in Melbourne to see the danger. Some hailstones have been shown to be bigger than cricket balls.  

Water damage at home due to poor drainage or blocked gutters often goes unnoticed until the damage is irreversible. It is in these moments that the importance of adequate home insurance and regular maintenance becomes glaringly clear.

Australians Underprepared for Wild Weather

Despite the obvious risks, a survey conducted by NRMA Insurance revealed that a large portion of Australians are underprepared for the impact of wild weather.

In the latest spring 2024 forecast, the NRMA found that 67 per cent of Australians have shown meagre or no interest to shore up their homes for extreme weather events. Fifty-nine per cent admit they have not had a roofing inspection in the past year and 11 per cent never came up the roof at all. 

NRMA meteorologist Zac Segger said checking the property for hail damage will be paramount this spring as warmer-than-normal sea surface temperatures can trigger a higher amount of rainfall on the east coast. The same is also expected for all of Tasmania and the southeast SA frontier with Victoria. Meanwhile, much warmer ocean temperatures can result in northern Australia and Tasmania having warmer days and nights this spring. 

A look at the NRMA spring 2023 tally of wild-weather claims also bears much reflection. Amongst the +5,700 claims filed that year, a considerable bulk of them reported water damage.  

The lack of urgency can be attributed to various factors, including complacency due to years of stable weather or a reluctance to spend on preventative measures. However, as weather patterns become increasingly erratic, this mindset needs to shift.

The Importance of Home Maintenance 

Investing in regular home maintenance is the first line of defence against the unpredictable nature of Australian weather. Simple tasks like cleaning out gutters, repairing worn roofing, and ensuring proper drainage around the property can go a long way in preventing expensive repairs after a major storm. Ensuring your home is weatherproof not only protects your property but can also reduce the likelihood of your insurance premiums rising after claims for damage.

Here are a few key maintenance tips to help safeguard your home against extreme weather:

Roof Maintenance

Regularly inspect and repair any loose tiles or damaged shingles. Hailstorms can cause severe roof damage, leading to leaks and water damage inside the home.

Gutters and Downpipes

Blocked gutters can cause water to overflow, potentially damaging walls, foundations, and basements. In addition, roof gutters stand to get loose from the weight of any debris buildup, leaving water to enter the eaves. The NRMA study covered nearly half of Australians stating that their gutters have overflowed during rains and 19 per cent admit they never cleaned out the gutters at all.

A simple solution would be to climb up to gutter level on a clear day and take the time to strip out all debris. A general contractor may be needed to inspect and fix the gutter’s attachment to the roof. You can also invest in installing gutter guards, mesh screens that cover the roof gutter from debris buildup and send them over to the ground.

Windows and Doors

Ensure all windows and doors are well-sealed to prevent water ingress during storms. Invest in storm shutters or reinforced windows if you live in a hail-prone area.

Yard Maintenance

Trim overhanging trees and branches to prevent them from falling on the house during a storm. Outdoor furniture and other loose items should be anchored to the ground to prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles.

By staying on top of these simple tasks, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage and the need for costly repairs following a storm.

Investing in Home Maintenance Insurance

While home maintenance plays a vital role in protecting your home, it’s equally important to ensure that your insurance policy provides adequate coverage for extreme weather events. Not all home insurance policies are created equal, and some may not cover certain types of weather-related damage. For example, a standard policy might not fully cover hail damage repairs or water damage at home caused by inadequate maintenance.

When reviewing your home insurance policy, it’s essential to consider the specific weather risks in your area. If you live in a region prone to hailstorms, flooding, or severe storms, look for a policy that provides comprehensive coverage for these events. It’s worth investing in a more robust insurance policy to avoid being left out of pocket when disaster strikes.

Investing in both home maintenance and comprehensive insurance coverage is a smart financial decision. Not only does regular maintenance reduce the likelihood of needing costly repairs, but having the right insurance in place can protect you from financial hardship following a natural disaster.

Moreover, insurance companies often reward homeowners who take preventative measures to safeguard their properties. By investing in regular maintenance and improving your home’s resilience to weather events, you may be eligible for lower premiums or additional coverage benefits.


Australia’s wild weather patterns are becoming more frequent and destructive, leaving many homeowners vulnerable to significant damage. By investing more time and money into home maintenance and ensuring your home insurance covers extreme weather events, you can better protect your property and avoid costly repairs.

The NRMA survey is a reminder that while many Australians may not prioritise preparing for extreme weather, doing so is essential. Homeowners must adopt a proactive approach by maintaining their properties and securing the right insurance policies to safeguard against the unexpected. With unpredictable weather on the rise, it’s more important than ever to be prepared. Every effort you put into securing your home today can save you from a financial and emotional disaster tomorrow.

DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace official insurance advice. The information listed is based on the most accurate data at time of writing. 2 Ezi is not affiliated with any home insurer or home repair service. Please consult your insurance provider.

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